George Joseph Girard, S2c - Photo added

A volunteer historian, Mike Franks, in Wooster, Ohio has been working on finding the background of WWII veterans who died serving their country and now honored on a war memorial in Wayne County, Ohio. Mike graciously shared a high school yearbook photo of S2c George Joseph Girard, who was killed in the sinking of the USS Mississinewa. Girard, who was listed as Missing In Action, was 26 years old at the time of the sinking and had only just come aboard the Miss on 22October1944. His name is also listed among the other MIA Mississinewa crewmen at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific at Manilla.
Hi on behalf of my mother Margaret Ann Girard (Houy) I would like to thank you for your accomplishments and for honoring the Vets. I would love to bring her down to see this tribute. George had two daughters George was married to Lois Ella Heckman, My mother Margaret Ann Girard(Houy) was born March 22, 1942 and her sister Ella Marie Girard(Rayner)was born June 23, 194 .