Ships ID’d in WWII photos of Mississinewa sinking at Ulithi Atoll
Recently, we’ve gotten some help identifying many of the ships in the photos of the Mississinewa burning at Ulithi Atoll. With the major help of David Stubblebine, a regular contributor to the informative WWII database, David was researching Ulithi Atoll for a different project. He found a portion of the chart he was looking for online and eventually came to Ron Fulleman for a copy of the complete berthing chart from 1944. After being told what Ron was using the chart for, he offered to help. Within a week, David was able to identify almost 100 ships in the area, updating that information onto the berthing chart. Within a few more days, he had taken photos of the sinking ship and calculated out which ships where which within the photo. I’m sure we would all like to thank David for his selfless contribution of time and talent.

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